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Transparent tape material determines the quality of products

Recently, tape manufacturers, transparent tape is mainly made of paper, cloth, polypropylene and PVC film. Apply hot melt adhesive on one or both sides. The strength of the paper substrate is not high, and the transparent tape material of the paper substrate reinforced with different plastic films or textiles is not easy to break by hand and inconvenient to use.
The transparent tape material based on polypropylene and polyvinylene film has high temperature brittleness. Polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride materials have high stiffness, large tensile modulus and 5% elongation. The tape made of this material is used as a seal for frozen food containers at low temperatures. On the uneven surface of the passenger surface, the tape is stripped due to tensile stress.
Although the tensile strength of transparent tape material is still very high, tape that is easy to break by hand is still manufactured. This transparent tape material is cheap and easy to popularize. Simple production process and good cold resistance. The base material of the tape is made of high-density polyethylene and the ratio of tensile ratio to transverse length

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